Hair Replacement is becoming extremely popular and is an effective technique to get your hair back looking completely natural as if it was your own head of hair.
It's Completely painless and you can have your hair back within a few hours. Don't get confused with the old methods of wearing a wig or toupee which looked completely unnatural, heavy and fake looking.
Each hair system is made to measure to the exact density and texture of your own hair.
A Hair replacement system is customised to each individual person. This includes making a template and creating a completely natural hairline.
The density and exact colour match will be taken before the actual system is created.
A wig or old fashion toupee are usually bought off the shelf or ordered online. They will not have a natural hairline,and not be custom made so they will not fit properly.
They will be much heavier in weight and will often have the same density throughout.
Non Surgical Hair Replacement Systems today are designed to give you back your confidence so you don't have to be worried about hair loss and how it makes you look and feel. You won't feel hot or uncomfortable, you will be able to swim and take part in any activities you want and nobody will be able to tell your hair isn't real.
Hair Replacement is a non-surgical procedure, so there is no incision, no pain, scarring or any side effects!
This is a completely pain free procedure with incredible results and far cheaper than hair transplants that may not even work.

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