Aftercare is very important, this allows you to maintain the life of the system and ensure you get long lasting results.

With your first system you will receive a complimentary care package which contains the recommended shampoo, conditioner and touch up glue. 

Recommended Aftercare

After a fitting or re-bond we recommend that you do not get the hair or base wet as it can take 24 hours for the adhesive to be fully cured so also avoid excess sweating during this period.

Touching the front hairline can transfer oil from your skin and effect the adhesion in this area.

Daily, we recommend gentle brushing using a tangle teaser or large tooth comb taking care not to catch or damage the base of the system. To help ensure the best hold we advise using a towel twice a day (morning & evening), place the towel over your system and apply pressure, this will also help after going to the gym or playing sport.

As the hair in the system is not living it does not benefit from your natural scalp oils and nutrients so it is important to use specialist products to prolong the life span and keep it looking its best.

Take care not to scratch your scalp and the use of a silk pillow case will reduce friction, tangles and irritations during your sleep.

Your system should only require washing once or twice a week, washing more often than this will cause the bond to break down quicker, specialist leave-in conditioners can be used to keep the system fresh.

Prior to washing the system we recommend brushing through a small amount of conditioner before you step under the shower, brush the conditioner through forward which will help to remove any tangles and product build up.

Now, whilst under the shower avoiding excessively hot water, let the water fall on to the top of the head and not directly onto the front of the hairline.

Apply a small amount of sulphate free shampoo and gentle wipe/pat the hair again using a forward direction. NEVER RUB OR SCRUB the hair in the traditional shampoo motion as this will cause the hair to tangle and shed.

Rinse with water again directly on to the top of the head and then repeat the shampoo process a second time.

Apply a small amount of sulphate free conditioner in the same way, brushing through from the back to the front and then rinse the conditioner away.

Cover the hair with a towel and pat to remove the majority of water, DO NOT RUB THE HAIR with the towel as this will cause the hair to tangle and shed.

A hair-dryer on medium heat can be used to aid styling if required. Use styling products and leave-in conditioners as recommend by your stylist during your appointments.

We do offer a wash & style only service, please ask your stylist for details.

Use a hair sun/heat protection spray in hot climates and avoid submersing the system in swimming pools with chlorine as this is a strong form of bleach chemical. Salt sea water wil cause the hair to become prematurely dry.

We strongly recommend our care products, ask your stylist regarding special offers.

Hair shedding is mainly caused by friction and the most common causes are scratching the scalp in your sleep, not regularly brushing any build up of knots, leaving the adhesive breakdown too long causing glue remnants in the hair and brushing/combing heavy handedly.

Simple precautions and regular maintenance re-bonds will extend the lifespan of your system.